Kelly Moran’s Trippy, Beautiful Piano Music
UCI Alum Kelly Moran, MFA ICIT, 2012 (photo by Timothy Saccenti © Rolling Stone Magazine)
Kelly Moran’s Trippy, Beautiful Piano Music
New York artist’s avant-garde compositions break through to unique transcendence
By Christopher R. Weingarten “I kind of just accepted that no one would really care about my work because I was such a weirdo,” says New York’s Kelly Moran, an avant-garde composer and pianist who drones, plucks and buzzes on the lines between modern classical, ambient, electroacoustic and jazz. “I had so many rejections [from record labels], and so many that were based around the fact that what I was doing was too niche. Part of me was like, ‘No one’s ever going to hear this, but I need to do it for myself anyway, because if I don’t I’m just going to feel like I’m dead.'”
New York artist’s avant-garde compositions break through to unique transcendence
By Christopher R. Weingarten “I kind of just accepted that no one would really care about my work because I was such a weirdo,” says New York’s Kelly Moran, an avant-garde composer and pianist who drones, plucks and buzzes on the lines between modern classical, ambient, electroacoustic and jazz. “I had so many rejections [from record labels], and so many that were based around the fact that what I was doing was too niche. Part of me was like, ‘No one’s ever going to hear this, but I need to do it for myself anyway, because if I don’t I’m just going to feel like I’m dead.'”
Posted Date:
November 2, 2018